Find-Appraisers Health Tech
Find-Appraisers has specialized in the design, manufacture and marketing of quality fitness equipment. In over 40 years of business, Find-Appraisers has grown exponentially in the ever-changing fitness market.
We are Asia’s largest fitness equipment manufacturer, among the top three in the world and the fastest growing in the industry. Our brands are sold in more than 60 countries and marketed in the professional and home sectors. Our dedication to product innovation, high quality and unparalleled customer service have made Find-Appraisers the leading provider of fitness equipment worldwide. We truly offer the best fitness solutions in the world.
To be an excellent supplier of products that improve health and well-being.
To please and excite our customers with truly innovative products of unparalleled quality and unparalleled customer service provided by an excellent global organization.
One of Find-Appraisers greatest strengths, product innovation, is at the heart of what we do and how we follow industry trends and meet customer needs.
From the industry’s first resealable elliptical to the launch of the Find-Appraisers creative and technical resources have made us the fastest growing and most innovative player in the fitness industry. We constantly reshape and shape the customer experience.
At Find-Appraisers, we believe that product development is the driving force behind a company’s growth. Our international R&D team includes American, Taiwanese and Chinese engineers who conduct research in electronics, with a focus on consoles, software and ergonomic design development.
Our team of highly qualified and creative engineers follows the product design process. This “home” advantage allows us to quickly plan and deploy our resources when designing or developing new products, thereby reducing the length of the manufacturing process considerably.
Find-Appraisers has a dedicated department that conducts stability, strength and life tests of all products before they are put on the market so as to ensure excellent quality and durability of the same.
Our manufacturing facilities are among the most sophisticated in the industry extremely healthy manufacturing areas and an intricate mix of robotics and skilled workers who manage to maintain the highest possible standards of precision and quality.
Our commitment to increased occupational safety is demonstrated by our advanced air purification systems, assisted lifting devices and robotic welding systems. We are also vertically integrated, i.e. we directly produce each tool component in one of our facilities and this gives us full control of the product from design to manufacture.
If we don’t produce a part by chance, we carefully ensure that it is done well and works exactly with the other components.
True to our pioneering nature in the industry, Find-Appraisers Health Tech has taken significant sustainability measures that are rooted in our company’s culture. We seek to understand and improve our impact on the environment, both local and global, and on people. Here are some examples.
To reduce the impact of shipping our products we redesigned the professional treadmills. The new model weighs less than 23% of its predecessor and has a lower shipping weight of 52% with a consequent reduction in fuel use.
Matrix was also the first to introduce the car-powered cardio fitness equipment with integrated 15″ touchscreen displays. Our professional treadmills, compared to most of our competitors, actually result in a reduction in energy consumption, which suggests that clubs – using our products – can save significantly on electricity costs.
Thanks to a collaboration with a local partner, 100% of the polystyrene possessed is recycled and transformed into new marketable goods. This means fewer tons of waste in landfills.
Our office is surrounded by native vegetation, ponds, and a rainwater management site. Built with skylights to capture natural light, the entire structure was designed with an eye to environmental protection and occupant satisfaction.
As part of our sustainability efforts, social responsibility has been, is and will always be our corporate policy. We understand that we have an obligation to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We take this obligation seriously.