Cloud hosting is a type of hosting, usually web, which is located on different servers to increase performance and enhance uptime (also known as uptime). What we intend from Cloud Servers is that with this analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of cloud hosting is clearer what is the Cloud Hosting services
The ability to host a website or application on a server has also revolutionized the concept of hosting, approaching the cloud format and taking advantage of its implicit advantages. A Cloud Hosting service allows us to have at our disposal a wide network of physical servers. Cloud Hosting differs from other formats, such as a dedicated server or shared web hosting, because it could be said that it combines the advantages of several of them in one.
It is especially aimed at the management of large websites, due to its high growth potential in terms of traffic, so corporate web pages, e-commerce, or any project that needs a high level of visits to work well are especially benefited.
Characteristics and types of Cloud Hosting
Cloud Hosting can offer different types of services, depending on their characteristics, we will detail them in order to understand them in a more complete way:
Cloud Hosting IaaS: a structure is offered as a service to deploy on it our different types of physical and even virtual servers. It is a more flexible and powerful model but in turn, requires high computer skills to be able to handle it properly.
Cloud Hosting PaaS: it is a platform offered as a service, on which we will install and develop our predefined applications. Here we find cases such as Azure or Google Cloud.
Public Cloud Hosting: on the other hand the most typical, whereby hosting is done on servers and data centers accessible through the Internet, taking advantage of the advantages of the cloud, and are more commonly known as VPS servers.
Private Cloud hosting: when security requirements are more stringent and access policies are tougher, it is possible to locate the hosting in a private cloud, which can only be accessed via VPN. This model is usually applied to servers used for company intranets.

Hybrid Cloud hosting: this modality combines the advantages of the public Cloud and the private Cloud since we can reserve an open and a closed space according to the needs of our company.
Analysis of the advantages of Cloud Hosting
We will now analyze the advantages of using Cloud Hosting for your project:
Scalability and flexibility
The advantage of site hosting is scalability because cloud hosting servers give the possibility to increase their capacity in a practically unlimited way. This, in turn, makes it more flexible in the face of unexpected traffic surges or to create a system that enhances growth depending always on the requirements and the momentary situation of each company.
Cost savings
Cost optimization is perhaps one of the most outstanding advantages of the Cloud hosting service. Cloud computing helps to save costs by not having to invest capital in the administration and maintenance of the hardware itself. This is due to the fact that it is a pay-per-use service that allows large companies or SMEs to enjoy cloud services while saving tax and amortization costs.